Wednesday, November 6, 2013

As for me and my House

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

I just wanted to share a few thoughts i've had going around in my head the last few weeks.

When Todd and I got engaged we both agreed that our main purpose in life was to serve God, we didnt know what that would look like, but we knew it was the most important thing to us. We based our marriage on God and serving him, oh and love of course :) Back then, I was the crazy youth leader and Todd was the long-haired guitar player. 

Ten years later and serving God is still the most important and fulfilling thing to us. We have different roles and have gone through different seasons, things may have not gone the way that we had envisioned they would,  but building God's Kingdom, through loving and serving people and God is our main focus. We now have a family, and it is our responsibility to include our children in this.  It's not just Todd's calling or my calling but our families calling. Todd doesn't just go off and do what he has to do, we all go. As a family we go and serve. We all get there early and help wherever we can. I LOVE that we are building this into our kids at a young age. It makes my heart so happy that they are involved.  Sometimes they may be more hindrance than help, but they are doing their best and that is what counts. Malachi in particular, LOVES helping Todd set up his guitar and then he sits in the sound desk with the soundman. I actually think he feels like he runs the place... awesome I say! A creative director in the making! Through the sermon last week the mic battery went flat and I heard this little voice from the sound desk say, "It's the battery". I thought Chi was out at Hotspots, but no, he was in the sound desk! (I do usually know where my kids are ) I want church to be their second home. I love seeing the kids help Ticia set up for Hot Spots or help Ann move the Operation Christmas Shoeboxes from one place to another, it is what life is about, serving God!!!

Ive had to put serving God before my own wants in one particular area lately- helping in creche!! Seriously the thought of siting in a room full of little kids gives me a headache! We have had a shortage of helpers and the mums (including me)were asked to fill some spots on the roster... to start with I was so angry that it surprised me. It took me a few weeks to realise that this wasn't the right attitude and that I should be honored to be able to serve God, and help where help is desperately needed. God definitely taught me a lesson through this. Sometimes serving God and your local church includes things that you may not like, but I've decided I need to be willing and serve where there is a need. Every role is just as important to God, even cleaning the toilets :)

As a mum sometimes I spend more time out with the kids than in the service (it's getting better now though) and I admit it can get REALLY frustrating! I remind myself that young kids is just a season and it will pass. But i'm learning that God has a job for me in every season. It may be that God has placed me in the creche room on a particular day as there is a mum there who needs some love and encouragement. God can use me just as much in the creche room showing love than anywhere else! You just need to be willing!!

These are just some thoughts i've had and lesson i've been learning that I wanted to share.
As for me and My House, we WILL serve the Lord!!!!

love Bec xxo

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Bec! So glad that you guys made God your center and He still is! I love that we are always learning! You are giving your kids such a good starting point. Keep up the good work!
